Food Seminar Blog

Food Seminar Blog2024-05-21T20:22:42+00:00

October 2019


By |Categories: Food Blog|

Other than lunching in the style of Le déjeuner sur l’herbe (1863) by Édouard Manet (1832-1883), how else might the midday meal be taken?  A greenhouse-like room would be an interesting place to have lunch, [...]

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« Quelque grain à l’oiseau, pour qu’il chante en sa cage »

By |Categories: Food Blog|

If one comes across a couplet and a painting that, each in its own way, bind together food, power, exchange, identity, death, and birds, for starters, then why not invite others to reflect on such [...]

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September 2019

May 2019

April 2019

Château XYZ

By |Categories: Food Blog|

Château Tour Saint-Pierre was renamed Château Lapin d’Or.  Château Larteau was renamed Château Lapin Impérial.  Château Senilhac was renamed Château Antilope Tibétaine.  Château Clos Bel-Air was renamed Château Grande Antilope.  These wine estates in the [...]

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