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Édouard Glissant’s Tout-Monde: Transnational Perspectives Symposium
« Quelque grain à l’oiseau, pour qu’il chante en sa cage »
If one comes across a couplet and a painting that, each in its own way, bind together food, power, exchange, identity, death, and birds, for starters, then why not invite others to reflect on such [...]
French Plates
It is the second half of the nineteenth century in France, and you are purchasing plates, dishes, or bowls made by Joseph-Théodore Deck (1823-1891), a renowned ceramist. What might those French wares look like? Well, [...]
And He Also Fed the French
During the Franco-Prussian War (July 19, 1870 - May 10, 1871), a physician by the name of Christopher James Davis (1842-1870) from Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital in London went to Sedan, France because he wanted to [...]
Château XYZ
Château Tour Saint-Pierre was renamed Château Lapin d’Or. Château Larteau was renamed Château Lapin Impérial. Château Senilhac was renamed Château Antilope Tibétaine. Château Clos Bel-Air was renamed Château Grande Antilope. These wine estates in the [...]
This Thing Called Words
[…] et quant a parler de tout le bien qui ou dit livre puet estre noté, certes trop plus de vertueuses choses, mieulx dictes, plus auttentiques et plus prouffitables — mesmes en politiquement vivre et [...]