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Édouard Glissant’s Tout-Monde: Transnational Perspectives Symposium
The compotier (a generally long-stemmed dish or bowl for serving dessert or uncooked fruit) has been reworked in exceptional ways by Pierre Reverdy (1889-1960), Juan Gris (1887-1927), Marcel Mültzer (1866-1937), and Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848-1933). [...]
Pears and . . . Ladies High Fashion? Mais oui !
Pear trees were a distinguishing feature of aristocratic gardens in France during the fifteenth century, but it was under the reign of Henri IV that this luxury fruit became even more prominent. When the Edict [...]
Peasant Women Selling Apples
Apple Marys and Apple Annies were women so nicknamed when they sold apples on the street as a way to eke out a living in New York City and other US cities during the late [...]
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Lady Apples and the Big Apple
Is the borough of Queens in New York City really that much less interesting than Manhattan? Not if you know that the Huguenots who had settled in colonial Flushing (present-day parts of Queens and Long [...]
Perilous Pears Pickled, Please: Philipon and Louis-Philippe I
The pear motif in caricatures of King Louis-Philippe I (1773-1850) that were drawn by Charles Philipon (1800-1862) and his fellow caricaturists has been analyzed by critics from many angles, but an approach that seems not [...]