The Henri Peyre French Institute is delighted to announce that:

The distinguished scholar of the French Renaissance, Mireille HUCHON, will honor us with her presence on March 26 and 27th, following the annual RSA meeting:

Renaissance Workshop & Public Lecture by Mireille Huchon March 26 and 27!

Professor Mireille Huchon, Senior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and Vice-President of the Société d’Histoire Littéraire de la France, Director of the series Etudes et Essais sur la Renaissance, Textes de la Renaissance, Les Mondes de Rabelais and co-director of the collection Bibliothèque de la Renaissance aux éditions Classiques Garnier, will speak on

On Tuesday March 27th, room 9207, 6 PM

There will also be a workshop on early modern work in progress in dialogue with Professor Huchon, on March 26th. Place: French thesis room lounge, 2pm-5pm