Support the Henri Peyre French Institute


The fundraising activities and endowment of the Henri Peyre French Institute support the outstanding CUNY Graduate Center PhD Program in French, ranked second in the country for the scholarly achievement of its faculty, by providing scholarships awards to entering students, funding for student conferences, and dissertation research travel awards.


The Advisory Board of the Henri Peyre French Institute directs the activities of the Institute with the intention to provide high quality programming and to increase the visibility of the CUNY Graduate Center’s PhD Program in French in New York City.


The Advisory Board brings together influential supporters for enjoyable, stimulating events and to provide the necessary resources for the continued excellence of the PhD program.


Make a gift by using our secure giving form →

By mail: please make your check payable to The Graduate Center Foundation, Inc.
Write Henri Peyre French Institute on the memo line, and mail your check to:
The Graduate Center Foundation, Inc.
Office of Development, Room 8204
365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016


The Graduate Center Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.  All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact:




Director of Individual Giving


Director, Alumni Relations


For further information, please contact the Henri Peyre French Institute:


Gifts to the Graduate Center Foundation may be made through a contribution of cash, securities, real estate or other real or personal property, as well as through estate gifts such as bequests and trusts, and life income gifts such as charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts. Gift pledges of more than $5,000 may be fulfilled over a multi-year period.


Annual Fund for Excellence

The Annual Fund for Excellence supports: Student fellowships Funds for research and travel Underwriting support for lectures, conferences, concerts, theater, and other public programs → Make an Annual Fund for Excellence Gift


Designated Gifts for Academic Programs, Centers, and Institutes

Let your interest in a specific subject guide your gift. The Graduate Center’s degree programs, institutes, and centers promote academic rigor in service to the public. The Graduate Center’s innovative doctoral and masters programs benefit New York and our nation. Our faculty, students, and staff are committed to research that addresses complex problems and to teaching practices that inspire succeeding generations of scholars. When you make a designated gift, you support world-class scholarly and community-oriented research and teaching. Follow these links to make a gift to a program, center, or institute of your choice. The Advanced Research Collaborative is in many ways the prototype for the 21st century Graduate Center, encouraging interdisciplinary thinking from Fellows selected from within CUNY faculty, nationally and internationally. Academic Programs The Advanced Research Collaborative (ARC) Centers and Institutes


Planned Giving

Planned giving ( has a tremendous and lasting impact on the life and future of the Graduate Center, and can provide unique benefits to you as a donor. To find out how planned giving can help meet your personal and philanthropic goals, please contact:


Some examples of imaginative ways to help the Graduate Center: A wealthy New Yorker who wishes to remain anonymous has given an annual gift, now $75,000, for the Provost’s Office to dispense for summer research opportunities involving travel. This year, a competitive process is generating almost 20 stipends for projects from a dozen academic areas. The result will be world-class dissertations and, hopefully, successful careers to follow. A retiring Theater Professor has established an immediate fund of $500,000 toward the Segal Theater Center for use for publications and by graduate students, thus allowing scholars and graduate students to work in the production of theater even while enrolled in its study through the Graduate Center. Another $500,000 for the same purposes is tied to his estate planning. A long-standing History Ph.D. alumna who now works in wealth management has, with her husband, pledged $100,000 toward the new Office of Career Planning and Professional Development, with a particular focus on preparing graduate students for non-academic careers. This gift is translating into mentoring, paid internships, sets of relevant educational materials, and guest seminars.


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